Friday, January 25, 2008


ni dah hari ke3 aq minum madu
2 sendok makan tiap pagi hari.
Hiks hiks ada saran biar acara minum madunya jd lebih enak?

Friday, January 18, 2008

14th jan, 2008
did i fall in love with the right man??
i totally lost my mind......
totally insane.........
and he........
he never cared about me, he just loved another girl

when i decided to be with him
i just dreamed that he might be my "mr right"
but i made mistake
maybe the beautiful mistake that i ever did

and now........
there is a man who cares about me
who loves me.......
but.... i still don't know what did happen with my heart
and now i just can say.... "will u wait 4 me???"

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!!

dah ngelewatin malam pergantian taun dg aq

dah memberi warna baru dlm hidup q

akhirnya dah bisa ketawa2 lagi